Hi all... i'm on one week raya holiday. Its time to relax at home. Let my throat calm down after so many weeks working hard in the class. What's my activities during this holiday??
1. Do house chores
2. Watching tv
3. Online (update blog)
etc.....(cannot be too details and transparent..hehehe..)
Now, let's talk about donuts. I'm not really fanatic about donuts...but i love to try new food. Recently, my hubby and I went to Subang Parade for window shopping. Somehow, we passed this small outlet at one corner. Its called Big Apple Donut.Coffee
I said to him: "eh! _ _ _ _look! the shop is kosong. (I mean not many customers). Let go buy donuts"
My hubby : "Ok..let's try"
FYI, We have been trying many times to buy but the Q was very long so we just ignored our intention. Finally that afternoon (1pm) was the day. We managed to buy 6 donuts. There's a funny story behind it. The salesgirl refused to give us duren-duren donut (durian flavour) because it must be eaten within three hours. At first i was blur and wonder why she kept saying that.
I said...its ok.
After few second then i got her. I said..sorry, we are not muslim. We are not fasting.
Then she gave us the duren-duren. We drove home happily with a box of donuts in our hand. hihihi...

see....my hubby also pening pilih

nice packaging

donuts for you to choose