Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hallelujah! I'm officially 32

Hallelujah!!! As the clock strikes at 12midnight on 21st May 2010, I'm officially 32. Proudly telling the world that I'm 32 years old. :D

I thank God for blessing me with good life, wonderful family, friends and people around me, good health and.....the list goes on and on.....(uncountable blessing). Sadly, my beloved hubby is not around with me on my special day but i understand that he is in Brunei due to job requirement. How i wish he was here with me.

My wishes on my birthday:
May all my prayers and dreams come true this year ;) . I pray and wish for a better life, better health, better....better....hehehe
Then, a year wiser, a year prettier, a year cuter hahaha....
I know HE will grant all of them just wait for the right timing. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.

Here, i would like to share few pics on my previous birthday.

My 21st birthday at Merdeka Palace Kuching. With my sisters and family.

My 20th birthday at my sister's house in Kuching.

My 26th birthday at CMM office. With my friend, Elias and we share our birthday.
My friend Sophia one of my wonderful friends is in yellow T.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dalam Kristus

This is taken from our video cam files... this vid was captured in 2008. Miss those moment! :)


Dalam Kristus
Dalam Kristus Kuberikan Kemuliaan Atas Kemenanganku
Sungguh Ku Terpesona Akan Kekuatan Dan KuasaMu
O Tak Dapat Ku Mengukurnya
Namun semuanya Tak Dapat Melampaui Anug'rahMu yang Ku T'rima

Dalam Kristus Ku Percaya
Ada Kemuliaan Dibalik SalibMu
Kar'na Ku Nyatakan Kem'nangan DariMu
Kekuatanku ... Harapanku ...
Hanya Yesus

In Christ Alone

I heard this song few minutes ago from our old video cam. I will upload our own video soon. I miss this song....i like it. For now enjoy this vid from youtube.
ENjoy iT n bE blEssEd!

Indonesian Version

Dalam Kristus Kuberikan Kemuliaan Atas Kemenanganku
Sungguh Ku Terpesona Akan Kekuatan Dan KuasaMu
O Tak Dapat Ku Mengukurnya
Namun semuanya Tak Dapat Melampaui Anug'rahMu yang Ku T'rima

Dalam Kristus Ku Percaya
Ada Kemuliaan Dibalik SalibMu
Kar'na Ku Nyatakan Kem'nangan DariMu
Kekuatanku ... Harapanku ...
Hanya Yesus

English Version

In Christ alone will I glory, though I could pride myself on battles won
For I've been blessed beyond measure, and by His grace alone I overcome
Oh, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hand
But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand

Chorus: In Christ alone I Place my trust
And find my glory In the power of the cross
In every victory Let it be said of me
My source of strength My source of hope
Is Christ alone

In Christ alone will I glory for only by His grace I am redeemed
For only His tender mercy could reach beyond my weakness to my knees
Now I seek no greater honor than just to know Him more
And to count these gains as losses for the glory of my Lord

Lucunya .....

This morning, i tengah syok buat story telling dalam kelas Tahun 1C cerita "The Gingerbread Man".

Tiba2 seorang budak A menjerit kecil "Teacher, ada aedes, ada aedes!!" sambil pointing to my cheek. I pun wonder apa yang aedes aedes ni? The boy suruh saya pukul pipi....owh, rupa-rupanya nyamuk! hahaha...i laughed loudly dalam kelas. Budak A itu tersipu2 malu...I said bukan aedes tapi nyamuk.

So i asked him back, apa nyamuk dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Sorang budak pulak menjawab...."Lalat" hahaha.... ketawa lagilah kami sekelas. :D

Balik semula ke cerita "The Gingerbread Man"...i tanya murid why The Gingerbread Man cannot cross the river? Budak A tadi jawab "sebab dia lempong" hihihi.... dia guna Iban word...lempong means lembut. hahaha... lawaknya...